Our Diabetes Specialists
Pam Venema, RN
Jeff Wong, BScPhm, PharmD, ACPR
More Information
Patients with Type II Diabetes are able to receive information from Pam and/or Jeff.
This service is by appointment only with one of our Diabetes Specialists.
About Diabetes
Health Canada states that diabetes is a serious public health problem. Every year 60,000 Canadians are diagnosed with diabetes and the number of new cases is increasing.
Diabetes: Occurs when a person’s body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin the right way. Insulin helps your cells use blood sugar for energy.
Diabetes causes the sugar to build up in your blood, creating a whole host of complications.
The Changing Face of Diabetes in Canada
- The population is aging
- Obesity rates are rising
- Canadian lifestyles are increasingly sedentary
- 77% of new Canadians come from populations that are at higher risk for Type II diabetes. These include people of Hispanic, Asian & African descent.
The Cost of Diabetes
The personal costs of Diabetes may include a reduced quality of life and the increased likelihood of complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, amputation and erectile dysfunction. Approximately 80% of the people with diabetes will die as a result of heart disease or stroke. Diabetes is a contributing factor in the deaths of approximately 41,500 Canadians each year. Life expectancy for people with Type II diabetes may be shortened by 5-10 years.
Prevention of Type II Diabetes
To date there is no proven way to prevent Type I diabetes. The onset of Type II Diabetes may be prevented or delayed, through increased physical activity, healthy eating, weight loss, not smoking and stress reduction. Taking these steps now can lead to a healthier future.
What Health Problems can Diabetes cause?
Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage your eyes, blood vessels, nerves and kidneys. Damage to your nerves can lead to foot sores, problems with digestion and impotence. Damage to your blood vessels increases your risk of heart attack, blindness and stroke.
Call your doctor if the following symptoms occur:
Increase in urination, increased thirst, tiredness, increased appetite, rapid weight loss, dry and itchy skin, blurred vision, frequent infections, slow healing of cuts and sores.
Treatment Options
While there is no cure for diabetes, there is a great deal of research into cause and treatment. Even better, there are a number of effective management tools available right now. Talk to your doctor about developing a personalized plan that best suits your own particular circumstances and healthcare needs.